Ounces to Grams
Ounces and grams are widely used units for weight, with ounces being common in the imperial system and grams in the metric system. Converting ounces to grams is essential in cooking, science, and international trade.
The formula is: 1 ounce equals 28.3495 grams. Multiply ounces by 28.3495 to convert.
• 4 oz = 113.398 g
• 16 oz = 453.592 g
• Cooking and Baking: Recipes often require conversions to ensure accurate ingredient measurements.
• Fitness and Health: Nutrition labels often include weights in both units, necessitating conversions for meal planning.
• Jewelry and Precious Metals: Converting between ounces and grams is crucial for valuing items accurately.
Understanding ounce-to-gram conversions simplifies weight-related tasks and ensures global accuracy.
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